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NFT name: The Source Code
Creator: Marti Wong
Edition: 1/1
Minted Date: 06.24.2021
Film length: 29.6 seconds (888 frames)
Code length: 165,412 characters
Contract Address (BSC): 0x1dDB2C...9Ec
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What's special about this NFT
The world's first computer game source code NFT.
With over 160,000 characters in a single frame of the video. The application of a Guinness World Record is in progress.

Creator’s words
Marti: "When I was little, I started to dream of creating popular computer games. I created the first well-known computer game in my life - Little Fighter 1 during my middle school time in 1995. It was developed with my Intel 486SX-25 computer using Turbo C for 2 years on countless lonely nights. The game was a hit on the BBS in Hong Kong and this strengthened my determination to create games and eventually became my lifetime pursuit.

Without the hard work of those years, there would not be Little Fighter 2 afterwards, and I would not have continued my journey on game creation today.

I created a short film and made it a NFT to depict this precious memory that affected my life. In the film, the game's final villain - Julian is constructed using all the source code I wrote in Little Fighter 1. The NFT will be auctioned to support the production of Little Fighter 2 remastered version."

Games created by Marti:
1995-1997: Created Little Fighter 1
1999-2002: Created Little Fighter 2 with Starsky Wong. The game is popular all over the world, with more than 50 million downloads
2003-2005: Participated in the production of Little Fighter Online. The game is successful in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
2008-2015: Created Hero Fighter, with over 10 million downloads

Last edited time: 26 June, 2021

NFT名稱: The Source Code
創作者: Marti Wong
作品版數: 1/1
鑄造日期: 06.24.2021
影片長度: 29.6秒 (888幀)
原始碼長度: 165,412個字符
智能合約地址 (BSC): 0x1dDB2C...9Ec
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全球首個電腦遊戲Source code之NFT

Marti: 「從小我就夢想可以創作出大受歡迎的電腦遊戲,1995年時還只不過是個普通中學生的我,經歷了無數個夜闌人靜的晚上,僅與Intel 486SX-25電腦為伴,以Turbo C編寫了足足2年,終於創作出我人生第一個知名遊戲-《Little Fighter 1 小朋友齊打交》。遊戲推出後在香港的BBS獲得非常高的評價,這大大堅定了我創作遊戲的夢想。

沒有那些年的努力,便沒有後來風靡一時的《Little Fighter 2 小朋友齊打交2》,亦沒有今天繼續堅持創作的我。

所以我製作了這個NFT短片,以紀念這個影響我一生的寶貴回憶。在片中,我所編寫的 Little Fighter 1 原始碼將全部從螢幕翻飛出來,最終拼湊成遊戲的終極大佬Julian。將這個NFT拍賣出售,是為了用作支持我製作 《Little Fighter 2》的 remastered版。」

1995-1997年創作 Little Fighter 1
1999-2002年與 Starsky Wong 創作 Little Fighter 2 風靡全球,超過5000萬次下載
2003-2005年參與創作 Little Fighter Online,在港台取得成功
2008-2015年創作 Hero Fighter,超過1000萬次下載

最後編輯時間: 26 June, 2021